
Social Media Marketing

Since social media marketing is a large part of all digital marketing degree programs, I thought I would make a list of the top 5 most effective social media platforms.  These 5 outlets will help build your brand image, increase exposure and allow you to build a community of users around your brand.

  1. Facebook  - Facebook has over 800 million viewers making it the most popular and most effective social networking site.  Its big reach throughout many countries provides the most marketing opportunities with fan pages, groups and news feeds.  Get more out of Facebook.
  2. Twitter - Twitter has quickly become a very popular social platform for companies and consumers alike.  Twitter allows brands to communicate easily with their followers.  50 ways to use Twitter.
  3. LinkedIn - LinkedIn is the largest professional social network.  It allows brands to connect with a large network of people with features beyond the basic profile such as events and groups.  10 uses for LinkedIn.
  4. Wikipedia - Wikipedia is an authority when it comes to information online.  You can use this authority to send traffic your way as long as you have relevant and correct information.  Just make sure not to make your company's article look spammy.  Wikipedia for marketers.
  5. Digg - Digg is most effective for bloggers who regularly post relevant content.  However, Digg can sent massive amounts of traffic to any site that shows up on its first page leading to more sales and sign ups.  Build a 'Digg-Culture'.
There you have it.  The top 5 most effective social media platforms that can be used for marketing purposes.  There are many more that are useful and you should check out the top 52 social media platforms.

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