Digital marketing degree programs can bring a lot more than bread to the table. Digital marketing is a field that has many job opportunities and has proven vital in many industries. This new and growing field needs marketers who know how to utilize:
- Social Media Marketing
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Viral Marketing
- Web Analytics
- Online Market Research
- And much more!
Social media is an area of digital marketing degree programs that includes blogging and other forms of internet marketing. This graph compares the median salary earned by various internet marketing careers.
Job trends in the social media field have been surprisingly good in the past few years, despite the recent economy. Many companies are beginning to realize the significant impact that a good digital marketing campaign can have. The job growth for online marketing related positions has grown steadily over the past five years. The graph below, taken from, shows the growth in social media jobs over the past five years and that over one percent of all jobs listed there are related to social media. And that's just one aspect of digital marketing!
Social Media Job Growth |
These graphs shows how digital marketing degree programs will be the wave of the future.